lojbanios- Lojban teaching platform
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides utilities for constructing exercise generators.



generateBlacklistedWordTranslationExercise :: Text -> SentenceCanonicalizer -> SentenceComparer -> TranslationGenerator -> ExerciseGenerator Source #

Exercise: translate a given sentence into Lojban, with the restriction that a particular Lojban word cannot be used.

generateRestrictedTranslationExercise :: Text -> (Text -> Bool) -> SentenceCanonicalizer -> SentenceComparer -> TranslationGenerator -> ExerciseGenerator Source #

Exercise: translate a given sentence into Lojban, with some arbitrary (algorithmically specified) restriction concerning the user's solution.

generateMorphologicalClassExercise :: Vocabulary -> ExerciseGenerator Source #

Exercise: tell morphological class of a word (brivla, cmavo, or cmevla).

generateEnglishOrLojbanBridiJufraExercise :: SimpleBridiGenerator -> TextGenerator -> SimpleBridiDisplayer -> ExerciseGenerator Source #

Exercise: decide whether an utterance (in either English or Lojban) is a bridi or merely a jufra.

generateLojbanBridiJufraExercise :: SimpleBridiGenerator -> TextGenerator -> SimpleBridiDisplayer -> ExerciseGenerator Source #

Exercise: decide whether a Lojban utterance is a bridi or merely a jufra.

generateEnglishBridiJufraExercise :: ExerciseGenerator Source #

Exercise: decide whether an English utterance is a bridi or merely a jufra.

generateFillingBlanksExerciseByAlternatives :: [Text] -> TranslationGenerator -> ExerciseGenerator Source #

Exercise: fill in the blanks (by alternatives) Expects a translation generator whose resulting sentences contain precisely one of the alternatives.